Having been in this business for more than twenty years we saw first hand what is one of the biggest setbacks in the pizza delivery business. Logistical control over routing and dispatching of deliveries. Which is why Posard pizza delivery dispatching program was a natural fit in the Border Foods family, dba Pizza Hut. After powering multiple Pizza Hut stores in the Minneapolis area, we’re looking to expand on our own POS platform to fulfill location-based delivery management services and logistics solutions.
Since starting our beta testing in December of 2006, our product has helped Border Foods, dba Pizza Hut significantly improve operational efficiency, increase sales and enhance their customer experience. More importantly increase their on-time deliveries by 17% to about average 95% at the door in 39 min at all five Pizza Hut locations. After running for four years these number caught the attention of Pizza Hut corporate and YUM brands executives, suits came to town.
With consumer expectations on the rise, and larger companies like Amazon, Google and UPS on the cutting edge of delivery, we believe it’s important to give businesses everywhere the ability to offer and improve their on-demand and scheduled deliveries. We want to give everyone the opportunity to keep up with the delivery standards that consumers are coming to expect.
Designing Posard pizza delivery dispatching program, we solve the most pressing delivery needs that our potential clients have faced, we have a program that is fully autonomous, no human input. Essentially handing over total operational logistical control to a computer that reasons based on past data and current.
We are the only company in the world with this technology thus far. UPS is getting close with project ORION technology. A four hundred million dollars investment into project ORION you think it would be fully autonomous and real-time, ours is. Only cost us about 3 year sitting in a basement. The price we pay for our vision, care to join us?